The #1 way to send and sign documents
Docusign enables you to swiftly sign electronic documents with digital signatures within minutes. Whether you’re at the office, at home, travelling, or anywhere around the globe, the Docusign platform remains accessible, simplifying your digital formalization procedures.
What are the benefits of utilizing Docusign eSignature?
Docusign offers the quickest and most dependable method to transform all contract and approval processes into effortless digital actions accessible on any mobile device, no matter your location. Bid farewell to administrative obstacles such as scanning, faxing, and the tedious process of document submission.

Check out this video to see how Docusign improves your signature processes.

What about the legal framework?
Docusign complies with the EU eIDAS regulation on electronic signatures, offering a range of electronic signature options including Standard Electronic Signature, Advanced Electronic Signature, and Qualified Electronic Signature.
Based on the nature of the document and the specific legal requirements of the region, it’s essential for companies to choose the suitable electronic signature type. For instance, in Romania, AES or QES are necessary for signing employment contracts.
For more information about the legal framework, you can consult the legality guide on the Docusign website.